Ghent: Major Belgium City

When you look at Ghent you will notice that it is the largest medieval city in the country of Belgium and boasts of a population of about 230,000 as per the 2008 census. This vibrant city is located at the confluence of the river lye and Scheldt and boasts of a lively past which was filled with a bustling economy and thriving ports, but as of now this beautiful city is known for its culture which is the grandiose of this locale.

Considering the simple fact that there are still a number of medieval structures that are still standing even after 200 years your cameras will be out continuously and fluttering away at the wide variety landscapes that will be roiling in front of your eyes. There are more medieval structures in Ghent than all of Belgium and some iof the beautiful pictures include that of the guild houses lining the graslei and the dark castle of the counts that boasts of a wide collection of torture arrangements.

Some of the added attractions are the view that one gets when standing in the belfry which stands at a height of about 300 feet. The adjoining churches and the cathedrals here are exq1uisitely decorated and designed and due to the amount of wealth that available during those times there are a lot of elegant architectural feats that are still standing today in a good state. The collection of waterways, cobbled streets and medieval buildings give tourists a number of opportunities to stop and admire the beauty and grandeur of this place.

There are many museums that are seen in this city and most of them are home to various categories of art, history and science.

The museum of fine art situated in the heart of this city boasts of a large collection of Flemish works. Some of them include works of art like the virgin and the child adorned by angels, the garden of earthy delights to name a few. The museum is easily accessible from all parts of the city and visitors can view the exhibits after paying a small fee of five Euros.

The museum of industrial archeology and textile boasts of a number of exhibits that enable visitors to get to know the virtue of Ghent when it had a large say so in the textile industry during the early times. The museum of history sciences allows one to don the attire of a scientist and browse through all the specimens and exhibits and even look through microscopes to help discover a lot of this ancient and medieval city.

There are many eateries and bars as well as hotels in this lovely city and the best time to visit this city is during the Ghent festival when you will be able to browse through a whole collection of wares ranging from cosmetic, handicrafts and be part of the celebrations that include dances, live shows and firework displays. This festival is held at the end of July and you need to book your tickets in advance if you want to have a chance of being there at the time of the festival.