Oostende: A Belgian Delight

Oostende was previously a well known fishing village. It received its status as a city in the 15th century and now it boasts of a population of about 90,000. The population of this city is the largest in the country considering the populations of the cities on the coast. Famous in the 19th century when the kings Leopold 1 and 2 spent their summers here, the city lost its grandeur and vibrant colors after the World War 2 when it was badly bombed.

The city in the days of old was invaded a number of times even though it was protected by a number of dykes that were built in the 14th century. Though it was known as primarily a fishing town its importance grew in the 18th and 19th centuries when the city was heralded as a potential harbor. The transit point at this city has made it easy for one to complete a trip from England to this city in a matter of 2 hours.

This city was named as the queen of the beaches as it has a number of beaches which are popular among both the locals and tourists. Old town structures and the fishing harbor are the main attractions in this city. For the traveler Oostende there are a number of varied attractions ranging from sightseeing to shopping and entertainment.

The places of interest in this city are as follows:

The neo gothic church of Saint Paul and Saint peter is situated here. It houses the mausoleum of the first queen of the city who passed away in the year 1850.

The only Napoleonic fortress that is still standing is situated at the north of the city and has a lot of historical importance as it was built by napoleon in the year 1812 and housed 260 soldiers. During the Second World War it was used as a barracks by the German troops.

There are a number of attractions that include bunkers and tunnels that were built by the German forces during the war. A natural nature reserve is also present in the city limits.

Some of the other activities that one can undertake to spend time out here include walking along pristine beaches, paddling along the sea as well as shopping and entertainment.

There are many museums and galleries that are present in the city and they are a good source of knowledge and pastime for those who are history aficionados. There are a large number of sculptures, paintings as well as artifacts that date back to olden times and there are a number of recent additions to the collection which are from the current era. There are playing parks for children and one can also take a horse drawn carriage tour of the city limits.

There are a number of restaurants taverns and bars that are situated within this city and give people the opportunity to relish the dishes of this place. Foods range from sea food to cakes and pastries, mouthwatering delicacies, as well as, local drinks. Oostende is a dream come true for many, so if you are wondering where to go next, the answer lies here.